Payment Authorization

By submitting payment the user authorizes EH Digital LLC / LeadzMan / Charlotte Media Partners / CaseFlow / LeadzManager to charge my credit card number used for this purchase or future purchases for agreed-upon purchase and payment plans. I understand that information will be saved to file for future transactions on my account. I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company; so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form. I understand that this Credit Card Authorized will remain in effect for the full term of the Contract and I agree to notify EH Digital in writing of any changes in my account information of this authorization at least seven (7) days prior to the next billing date.I understand that if any payments within the agreed upon payment plan schedule above should fail to process, the payment schedule and/or payment amounts would be adjusted to accommodate the recoupment of such failure.All other changes such as payment method, amount, frequency, will require a new Authorization Form to be filled out and submitted to Merchant fifteen (15) days prior to any change being implemented. I understand I will be charged a one-time based on the above form.I represent and warrant that I am authorized to execute this payment authorization for the purpose of implementing this payment plan. I indemnify and hold The Contractor, the bank, and Merchant harmless from damage, loss or claim resulting from all authorized actions hereunder.